About Me

My name is PJ Duffield. By day, I'm a Network Infrastructure Installer, and by night, I'm a grinding for 40 hours a week in Final Fantasy 14?

When I'm not gaming, you can usually find me tinkering with electronics or trying to mod old Gameboys. I mean, why settle for playing games when you can spend hours modding consoles youll never actualy play, am I right?

If you're like me and love all things tech and gaming, then I encourage you to check out my blog
There, you'll find all sorts of embarrassing things i decide to write and publish on the internet at 2am, as well as some half-baked ideas for electronics projects that will probably never work. But hey, at least it will probably give someone a laugh at how much of a nerd I am if they ever come across it.

So, what are you waiting for? Come join me on this cringe-worthy journey. I promise, it'll be a good time.
